
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Guangzhou China.

I have been staying in this part of Guangzhou for the past 16 years, it is one of very few places in the city where you can escape from the crowds, noise and the traffic. It is a small island separated from the city by a small river/moat. The island was divided into two concessions given to France and the United Kingdom by the Qing Dynasty government in the 19th century.

When I first stayed there 16 years ago the hotel I used had only Chinese guests, I was the only Gweilow, unfortunately now the hotel is full of loud, obnoxious Europeans, Australians and Americans. China experts who travel to the Guangzhou Fair each day by shuttle bus and never venture far from the imagined safety of the hotel.

6.00 am and the island presents a very different face, the few locals that still live there can enjoy that place and start their day in the traditional Chinese way. The final photo in this group shows a very different scene in downtown Guangzhou. The balance of Yin and Yang that is evident in Shamian is completely out of balance at Guangzhou Dong Zhan.

GPS view of the route I took